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My Great Grandfather's Poetry and My Artwork

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

My great grandfather was a very talented poet. William Grant wrote about nature - and his MAD Love for the outdoors - from his heart. Such colorful words - they just seemed to pour out of him, and he wove them together to create a collection of poetry - which he then turned into a book. "The Poetry of William Grant" was not only written by him - but he also did the printing himself as well as binding the book; a book that is probably my most valuable possession. (The poem that follows below was taken from this book).

Grant was my dad's grandfather and he first of four generations of farmers who worked the soil of the San Joaquin Valley - in the town of Tracy, California.

My memories of him only come as flashes because I was so young, but my family acquired a lot of his personal items: his printing supplies, the pipes he used to smoke, and a huge library of old books. We were also left with his HUGE Webster's Dictionary, which is about 10 inches thick and serves as testament to his mastery of the English language.

His book contains over 100 of his poems and I plan to create artwork to go along with several of his best works. If you keep posted to this site, you will be able to see these combinations of artwork and poetry as well as have the opportunity to purchase some it as well.

Here is an example of my artwork and his poetry.... Enjoy. Dean


By Grant Williams

Sweet is the hour when the sun sinks low

Behind the curtains of the hill;

When tides of day nor ebb nor flow,

But poise serene-- relaxed and still.

When fretting winds subside and fade

In muted whispers down the lane;

When harebells, trembling in the glade,

Breathe a soft sigh and dream again.

When peace o'er-wings the tranquil air,

And soul is bathed in evening glow;

When nature lays aside her care--

When tides of day nor ebb, nor flow.


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